A Battle Plan for the Weary


“For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” 2 Chronicles 20:12b-c (ESV)

As my husband drove us home from marriage counseling, I sat quietly and ruminated on the list of books and exercises we’d been recommended. Exhaling deeply, I tried to rid myself of a nagging thought: I am just too tired to do this anymore.

Month after month, we’d done what “good Christian couples” were supposed to do: seek counseling, have date nights, express feelings in a calm manner, etc. But it wasn’t enough, and we found ourselves wrangling the same issues over and over.

Exhaustion set in, and I simply didn’t know how to keep fighting — or if I even could.

I wonder if you’re also fighting a seemingly endless battle that’s leaving you empty. Maybe it’s a prodigal child or a dead-end job or a difficult diagnosis. Or maybe you, too, are fighting for your marriage, but a tidal wave of fear drowns out any sense of progress.

You’ve done everything you know to do, but the battle rages on — and you’ve got no more fight left in you.

Thankfully, the Bible is full of stories where God showed up and showed off in the midst of His children’s battles. Today’s scripture comes from 2 Chronicles 20, which details the story of the Israelite King Jehoshaphat and the dire situation he faced. After being fiercely pursued by relentless enemies, God’s people were exhausted and confused.

However, instead of planning a typical military approach, Jehoshaphat called an assembly and led the people through a different “battle plan” of sorts — a three-step process that we, too, can implement:

1. Seek the Lord through honest, vulnerable prayer. Though perhaps, as king, he “should” have had all the answers, today’s key verse details how Jehoshaphat readily admitted his weakness:

“For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you” (2 Chronicles 20:12b-c).

Don’t you love this relatable prayer? It’s one we can pray over our trials too. When weariness and confusion surround us, let’s keep our knees down in prayer and our eyes up to heaven.

2. Worship through the fear and doubt. Jehoshaphat and “all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell down before the LORD, worshiping the LORD” (2 Chronicles 20:18, ESV). In the face of fear and fierce enemies, they chose to sing songs of worship and praise anyway. Praising God in the presence of the enemy is an act of faith that pleases the Holy Spirit, who fights for us and with us in our battles!

3. Trust God’s direction; then move forward in faith. God answered Jehoshaphat’s powerful petition with clear direction: “Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. Tomorrow go out against them, and the LORD will be with you” (2 Chronicles 20:17, ESV). The people faithfully obeyed, and as promised, God showed up and miraculously delivered the enemy into their hands!

However God chooses to work specifically in our battles, we can trust that His heart is always good toward us. It’s been years since my husband and I battled for our marriage, and I can confidently say there was never a day God failed to provide what we needed to keep fighting.

Dear one, whatever battles you’re facing, God will meet you on the battlefield. And He’s full of the strength you lack. Today, may we pray, worship and trust — and fight the good fight another day.

Dear Jesus, thank You for providing strength when we’re weary. Please meet us on the battlefield and lead us through to the other side. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


**Note: this devotion first appeared on Proverbs 31 Ministries

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