Are You a Super Tired Super Mama?


Hey readers! Today’s post is for all the amazing mamas out there.

I see you, working your hardest from sunrise to sunset (and beyond!).

I see you, burning the candle at both ends, sacrificing for your family and loved ones.

I see you, stealing quiet moments here and there to be alone with God, leaning into your faith in this unsteady terrain of motherhood.

Being a mother is a great and glorious calling–but it’s not easy! That seems incredibly obvious on this side of motherhood, yet the same couldn’t be said of me in my pre-baby life. I truly thought it would be rainbows and butterflies (it’s ok, you can laugh at me–I’m laughing at myself!).

Recently, I had the joy and privilege of sitting down for a video chat with my amazing life coach, Torie Henderson. We’ve been working together for several months, and it’s made such a difference in my life!

I wanted to share the interview in the hopes that you too will be encouraged that really change is possible. Life coaching is a tool God has used to reveal so many lies that were tangled up in my mind, preventing me from walking in freedom with Him. And while this may not be a good fit for you, I hope this interview will give you hope that better days are possible.

You can check out the link HERE!

With Grace,

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