The Ultimate Love Like No Other


“See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1a (NLT)

Before I became a mom, people often told me if I chose to have children, I’d experience “the ultimate love like no other.” So when I welcomed my son, I felt confident this new role would meet all my love needs.

However, it didn’t take long to discover that although this was indeed a love like no other, a familiar ache still pecked at my soul.

It was the same ache I’d tried to chase away before with past romantic relationships or a house or exciting new career opportunities. The same ache it seemed no earthly amount of love could soothe.

I can’t help but wonder if your soul also has a similar longing. Are you craving a love that will satisfy your heart to its deepest depths?

In our fragile humanity, we naturally look to earthly relationships to fill our “love tanks.” Valentine’s Day bombards us with romance, roses, and the message that we’ll finally feel loved enough if we can just find that special person.

Yes, it seems we’re always looking for a love like no other. And the thrilling news is: That ultimate love like no other exists! But it’s not the love of a spouse, friend or parent. It’s the love of our heavenly Father for His children.

Today’s key verse — penned by John, “the disciple Jesus loved” (John 13:23, NLT) — was written to ancient Christians originally, but it also holds the truth our love-hungry hearts need to hear today:

“See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1a).

In one simple sentence, we see how all our striving and searching can cease. All our looking for love in all the wrong places grinds to a halt when we stop and sit with the truth that God chose us despite our frailties and failures.

You and me, dear one, are chosen, adopted daughters and sons of God if we trust in Jesus as our Savior.

He knew the depth of our need and so chose to lavish us with a love that reaches the most tender, vulnerable places of our hearts — places only His affection can touch.

All earthly love — whether in friendship, marriage, parenthood or any other relationship — is a beautiful bonus and a gift we can enjoy with gratitude. But God alone meets our souls’ need to be purely, perfectly and completely loved.

Maybe you struggle to accept this love because you looked in the mirror today and saw only a label:


But you, my friend, are none of these things. You are a dearly loved, purposefully chosen child of God. Therefore, the ultimate love like no other is yours already, right here, right now.

Will you reach out and receive it?

Father, thank You for the love You lavish on us. What a privilege it is to be called Your children. Help us courageously walk in that identity and live loved today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


**Note: this devotion first appeared on Proverbs 31 Ministries

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