Are You Finding Rest in God’s Grace For You?


Hey there, my friend!

It’s been a minute, huh? I don’t know how you feel, but for me, this summer has simply flown by at lightning speed. My kiddos started back to school last week, and I’m still trying to figure out how that happened!

The beginning of a new school year brings an extra layer of anxiety to our family. Yes, many kids will have some nerves and reluctance to say goodbye to summer break … but when you’ve got a child with special needs, severe anxiety, and major trouble with transitions, it’s a different kind of brutal.

The start of this year has already been particularly intense, and to be honest, it’s knocking me down …. which is why I have to chuckle at the devotion I’m sharing today over at Proverbs 31 Ministries–God knows how much I need my own words this morning!

I’m sharing some words of encouragement about finding true rest in God’s grace for us–even when the world’s grace seems to have run out, leaving us high and dry.

If you could use a reminder of just how safe and secure you are in His Hands, then check out the devotion HERE.

Be encouraged today, dear one–He is with you and for you!

With Grace,

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